Business Central Powershell
Table of contents
- Modules Management
- Used Variables
- Extensions Management
- Users Management
- License Management
- Business Central Server Instance Management
- Web Server Instance Management
- Objects Exporting
Modules Management
Import Modules
Import-Module “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central\140\Service\NAVAdminTool.ps1” -force
Import-Module “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central\140\RoleTailored Client\NAVModelTools.ps1” -force
Used Variables
$serverInstance = “PT_BC_CU2”
$extensionName = “Extension1”
$extensionVersion = “”
Extensions Management
Get all extensions list
Get-NAVAppInfo -ServerInstance
Skip the tenant parameter to see all tenant extensions.
Get-NAVAppInfo -ServerInstance $serverInstance
Publish extension
Publish-NAVApp -ServerInstance
Publish-NAVApp -ServerInstance $serverInstance -Path 'C:\Temp\'
Install extension
Install-NAVApp -ServerInstance
Install-NAVApp -ServerInstance $serverInstance -Name $extensionName -Version $extensionVersion
Uninstall extension
Uninstall-NAVApp -ServerInstance
Uninstall-NAVApp -ServerInstance $serverInstance -Name $extensionName -Version $extensionVersion
Uninstall all extensions at once
Get-NAVAppInfo -ServerInstance $serverInstance -Tenant default | % { Uninstall-NAVApp -ServerInstance $serverInstance -Name $_.Name -Version $_.Version }
Unpublish extensions
Unpublish-NAVApp -ServerInstance
Unpublish-NAVApp -ServerInstance $serverInstance -Name $extensionName -Version $extensionVersion
Users Management
Add a new Windows Account user
New-NavServerUser -WindowsAccount
New-NavServerUser -WindowsAccount 'domain.local\ricardo' -ServerInstance $serverInstance
New-NavServerUserPermissionSet -WindowsAccount 'domain.local\ricardo' -ServerInstance $serverInstance -PermissionSetId SUPER
License Management
Import a license
Imports a license file into a Business Central database
Import-NAVServerLicense $serverInstance -LicenseData ([Byte[]]$(Get-Content -Path "$licenseFilePath" -Encoding Byte))
Business Central Server Instance Management
Update configuration / settings
Configures settings for a Business Central Server instance.
Values are written directly to the configuration file for the instance (CustomSettings.config). New setting values do not take effect until you restart the server instance.
Set-NAVServerConfiguration -ServerInstance
- Change serverInstanceName to the name of the instance on the Microsoft Dynamics BC Server instance.
- Change keyName to the configuration key name to be configured. For more info on the available keys check CustomSettings.config file in “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central<version>\Service\CustomSettings.config”.
- Change keyValue to the value to be set.
- (Optional) Change applyTo to the configuration mode to be used:
- ConfigFile or 0 -> Default: Saves the change to the configuration file of the server instance. The change will not take effect until the server instance is restarted.
- Memory or 1 -> The setting change is just applied to the server instance’s current setting state. This is only applicable for server settings which support dynamic updating. If the specified setting is not dynamically updateable this command will fail.
- All or 2 -> Applies the change to the server instance’s current setting state (in memory) and to the configuration file. This is only applicable for server settings that support dynamic updating. If the setting does not support dynamic updating, the cmdlet will fail with an error. The change will not be applied to the current session or the configuration file.
Set-NAVServerConfiguration -ServerInstance $serverInstanceName -KeyName $keyName -KeyValue $keyValue -ApplyTo $applyTo
Set-NAVServerConfiguration -ServerInstance bc-w1-22 -KeyName DatabaseServer -KeyValue DatabaseServer.Domain.Com
Web Server Instance Management
Get web server instances
Add a new web server instance
New-NAVWebServerInstance -WebServerInstance
- Change WebServerInstance to the name that you want to give the virtual directory for the web server instance. This name will become part of the URL for the Microsoft Dynamics BC Web client application, for example, http://MyWebServer:8080/WebServerInstance/WebClient.
- Change BCServer to the name of the computer that is running the Microsoft Dynamics BC Server to which you want to connect (ex. localhost)
- Change ServerInstance to the name of the instance on the Microsoft Dynamics BC Server.
New-NAVWebServerInstance -WebServerInstance $newWebServerInstanceName -Server $BCServer -ServerInstance $serverInstance
New-NAVWebServerInstance -WebServerInstance bc-w1-15 -Server localhost -ServerInstance bc-w1-15
Objects Exporting
Export all objects from NAV Database to text file
Example: Exports all objects from NAV2015AP-APP-TEST to NAV2015-All-Objects.txt
Export-NAVApplicationObject NAV2015AP-APP-TEST “E:\NAV2015-Objects\All-Objs\NAV2015-All-Objects.txt" -DatabaseServer MYP-RPAIVA\SQL2017 -ExportTxtSkipUnlicensed
Export filtered objects
Example: Exports codeunits 80..84 from the NAV2015AP-APP-TEST to COD80-84.txt
Export-NAVApplicationObject NAV2015AP-APP-TEST “E:\NAV2015-Objects\All-Objs\NAV2015-All-Objects.txt" -Filter 'Type=Codeunit;Id=80..84' -DatabaseServer MYP-RPAIVA\SQL2017 -ExportTxtSkipUnlicensed
Exports all objects and split into single-object files
Export-NAVApplicationObject “
Example: Exports all objects and split V2015AP-APP-TEST* to Splitted-Objs folder
Export-NAVApplicationObject "E:\NAV2015-Objects\All-Objs\NAV2015-All-Objects.txt" -DatabaseServer MYP-RPAIVA\SQL2017 -DatabaseName NAV2015AP-APP-TEST -ExportTxtSkipUnlicensed | Split-NAVApplicationObjectFile -Destination "E:\NAV2015-Objects\Splitted-Objs"